The best console of the last generation?
The best system of the last generation was the Xbox 360 in
my opinion. The Wii and PS3 had sold entries throughout its lifespan, but
nothing compared to the Xbox 360. The
last generation the Ps2 absolutely destroyed the original Xbox in sales. The Ps2
also broke several records for the best-selling system. The Xbox did beat the GameCube
but it just wasn’t enough to beat the ps2. The Xbox 360 decided to go all in
with its console and games. The hour glass design was something new and special.
It was way different from the cube or box look from the last generation of consoles.
The Xbox 360 choose to go with a new color
scheme of white and gray, instead of the black and green look of the original Xbox.
The game to kick off its new campaign was gears of war. It was a phenomenally
new game and gave a new direction in the genre of third-person shooters. It also produced Halo 3 one of the greatest
games of all time. They also had another great game in Forza which helped catapult
it into the lead with better over all games during this generation. Not only
were they have some of the best exclusive games to date at the time, they also
had exclusive deals. They had the deal with call of duty were all DLC was available
a day or days before ps3 or the Wii. This
gave it a competitive advantage against the competition because the hottest
thing during this generation was call of duty. They also had smaller entries
that were fun game and widen the horizon for the Xbox 360. For example, castle
crashers, crackdown, left 4 dead, dead rising, and fable. There are tons of
others games of could have added but those included were the best-selling games
on the consoles. These games out most ps3 titles. They sold close to 2 to 3
times more copies of there exclusive game then ps3. The Wii actually at the
time was also doing better then the Ps3. The Wiis introduction of the motion
senor remote took a blaze in the market. The other downfall of the ps3 was the
price it was a way higher price than the Xbox. The launch of the Ps3 also had
lackluster games which held it back also. The only incentive to buy the ps3 was
for the backwards compatibility with ps2 games. The Xbox overall won that generation
battle hands down, but what do you think the better console was comment your opinion?
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